Knowledge Base

Create an Order

To create an Order open the Accounts in the Navigation:



Then open the Customer you want to create an Order for and click on the Billing tab:



In order to process an Order the Customer needs to have a Payment Method so click on the Payment Methods navigation option:



Here you can create a Payment Method for the Customer.


With a Payment Method created click on Orders from the Navigation menu and Click on the Create Order button:



This will open an Order and allow you to determine which Payment Method to use on this Order in the Payment Information drop down. Select the Payment Method to use for this Order and click the Use Payment Method button. This will save the Payment Method against the Order and this will be displayed in the Payment Information section:



To add Products to this Order click on the Add New Product button. A lightbox appears letting you select the Product you want to add from a drop down list. With that set the Prices for that Product will be loaded and can be selected from. Finally you optionally can have a Display Name field allowing you to change the default Display Name for this Product:



When you click Create Product this Product will be added to the Order.


Repeat this process until all Products you want are on the Order, then click on Confirm Order


The Order will move to the Approve state. If you have a setup Fraud Checking Service then the Order information will be sent over to that service, and the details will be returned to the Order and updated on the Fraud Check tab:



If you have any Workflows setup to automatically Approve or Decline Orders based on Fraud Checking information these will run, and the Order state will be updated to Approved or Declined accordingly.


Alternatively you can manually Approve this Order by clicking on the Approve Order button:



This will allow the Order to move on to the Capture Payment state and provided the transaction completes, the Order will be Completed:



On the Transactions tab you can see all the Transactions for this Order:



This completes the Order