Knowledge Base

Create an Account

The Accounts section in Fortifi can hold all of your Customers, Prospects, and contacts.

To create an Account click on the Create New Account button:


This will give you the option to set the Account Type. This is used in Reporting and can help segment your Accounts to allow targeting Messaging at different groups.

For Individual accounts you can set these as Individual or Student.

For company accounts you can set these as Business, Enterprise, Charity, Group or Unknown.


Depending on what Account Type is selected you will be offered an Email Address field, and either First Name and Last Name fields or a Display Name field

In the Additional Information section you can optionally enter a Unique Reference, which can be useful if linking Fortifi to an external provisioning system.


You can also define the Subscription Type which again can be used in Reporting and also to target different messaging. The Subscription Type has options of:

None - Typically used for Prospects or brand new Customers who don't yet have any Subscription

Free - This can be applied for Customers given a free Subscription 

Trial - This is useful to segement Accounts which are on a trial Subscription

Paid - This can be set for all Accounts which pay for a Subscripton


You can then define the Country, Currency and Timezone of this Account.


Finally you can set the Lifecycle stage of the Account, which allows for targeted messaging.


The Lifecycle has options to set different Lead levels such as Cold, Hot etc, as well as options to set the stage as Prospect, Customer etc


With all of this set you can click on Create Account and this Account will appear in the list of Accounts