Knowledge Base

Create Custom Event

Autoresponders are triggered from Events in Fortifi.

You may want to trigger an Autoresponder from a custom event unique to your organisation and so you will need to create a custom Event within Event Management.

In Organisation Settings click on Event Management and all the current Events in the system will be listed:




Click on Create New Event to create a custom Event.

Enter a Display Name for the Event and the Alias will automatically be completed. You can edit this should you want to. The alias is the reference used by the API to trigger this event:




The selection list for Type contains three options; Standard, First Occurrence and Last Occurrence which effect when Autoresponders will trigger from these events:



Standard is an Event that can be triggered multiple times, and any Autoresponders triggered by this Event will fire each time.

First Occurrence can be triggered multiple times to update the values on the Event but any Autoresponder campaigns will only fire from the first time the event is triggered.

Last Occurrence can be triggered multiple times to update the values on the Event and any Autoresponder campaigns will trigger from the last time the event was triggered and any further autoresponders in the campaign from the original triggered event will not run.


Finally on the Event creation you can set the Icon you want to use for this event and the colour which are just ways to identify the types of event in the list of triggered events.

Once those options have been set click on Create Event to see the created custom Event:



You can then optionally add Properties to this Event. These can be used in Filters on the Autoresponder and can be pulled through to the content of Autoresponder so are useful for adding custom information for this Event.

For instance in this case it might be useful to have the Handset Early Upgrade Date stored as a Property against this Event:



This can be set at the point where the Event is triggered by the API by adding the Event property and Value into the Payload.