Knowledge Base

Manage Email Services

In Fortifi you can define multiple Email Services allowing you to have different email services being used by your Messenger Application and your Support Application.


To Manage your Email Services, in the Organisation Settings under Organisation click on Email Services:



This will list any currently setup Email Services allowing you to edit them or change which Email Service you have set as Default. The Fortifi Email service will be listed by default and will be set to Default.


To Create a new Email Service click on the Create Service option:


You can then select the Email Service from the list of supported services, set a display name and optionally a Description and click on Create Service:



This will display the Edit page for the newly created Email Service and the fields needed for the Service to function will be displayed. These will be a mixture of User Name, API Key, API Secret etc and what is displayed will depend on the selected Email Service as each service has different authentication requirements.


Enter these from your Email Service account and click on Save Service.


This new Email Service will then be listed and you can optionally set this to the Organisation Default by clicking the Star on this Email Service in the list:


With this set, if any Applications in Fortifi are set to use the Default Email Service they will use this Email Service.