Knowledge Base

Send an Auto Response when a Ticket is created

One huge benefit of a system like Fortifi is being able to keep your Customers engaged and involved in their Support Ticket automatically.

A good example of this is ensuring that when Customers submit a support email to you, they receive an automated response message, detailing that you have received the email and have created a Support Ticket from this.


To do this, within a Workflow (typically one on the Ticket Opened Workflow Trigger as it is the first one an email runs through) setup an Action for "Send Auto Response":



Selecting this as an Action will present you with a Subject and Message Field to complete for how this Auto Responder will look to the Customer.


The Subject will be prefilled:



These tags in the braces are Quick Replacements which will complete when this is sent with the Dynamic Content from the Support Ticket that is being created.


For example this might actually output in the email to the Customer as "RE: Help with my account [190520-CZN1EVZ]"


These quick replacements allow you to fill the Auto Response with content specific to the Customers ticket automatically. You can edit the subject however you would like and then complete the Message.


Again you can use quick replacements here to make this Auto Response feel personal, by automatically pulling in the Customers first name etc. You will see the Quick Replacement drop down lists available for you to select from to build up these auto complete fields:



Once you have completed the content you want, save this Auto Response and this will be sent each time this Workflow is run.