Sometimes whilst dealing with a Live Chat, it might be that the Support Agent needs to do some more work on an account, or ask for more information and wait for this to be provided before being able to continue to resolve the issue.
In these instances its a good idea to create a Support Ticket against the Live Chat, so that you can continue resolving the issue for the customer on the Support Ticket, and end the Live Chat at this stage whilst waiting for more information.
To do this in Fortifi there is a Support Ticket option in the information panel on the right of the Live Chat:
Clicking on Create Ticket will open a lightbox for a new Support Ticket, which will have the Email Address, subject, departemnt and queue already filled in:
Enter the information needed on this Support Ticket and click on Create Ticket to send this Support ticket to the customer.
Now in the Support Ticket option in the information panel on the right of the Live Chat the attached Support Ticket will be linked:
This Live Chat can now be Ended as the Support Ticket can be progressed to resolve the issue for this customer.