Knowledge Base

Filtering the Ticket List

For Support Agents who can view the Support Tickets page, there are some options to filter the list of Support Tickets to view the exact list of Tickets you are interested in.


The first thing to note is that by clicking on the Header of each column you can sort the Ticket List by that column. This is useful for instance to group all the Tickets in each Department together regardless of priority.


You can also use the Filter boxes in below the column headers to filter all the tickets by what you type in. For instance typing >2 into the Replies filter box will show only Support Tickets which have more than 2 replies.


The are other options for filtering and sorting the Support Ticket List in the header of the Support Ticket List.


The Sort By setting will determine how the sorting of the Support Tickets are sorted with options of Priority, SLA Response Time, SLA Resolve Time or Age. You can set these to be ascending or descending to change the sorting of the Tickets:



There is also a filter for Language. By default this will display all Language Tickets, but can be changed to filter to specific languages should you want to only see Support Tickets of a specific language.


Similarly there is a Department filter where you can select which Department you want to view the Support Tickets of:



Selecting a Department from this filter will offer a further filter for Queue so you can narrow down the Support Tickets to just those in a specific department or queue:



The final filter available is on the State of the Support Tickets. By default this will be set to Open, showing all Support Tickets currently in the Open state and awaiting action from a Support Agent.


Support Tickets that have been resolved will be in a Resolved state, Support Tickets which have been sent to customers and are not resolved will be in a Pending Reply state, and some Support Tickets which require more work might be in an On Hold state etc:



So you can use the State filter to view Support Tickets in these various states, for instance to view all Support Tickets in the Pending Reply state to see how many open Support Tickets are awaiting a customer response